Local Leaders Agree: We're About More Than Just Greenways

At our Coalition Summit on October 4, 26 neighborhood greenways leaders from around Seattle got together to discuss the future of Seattle Neighborhood Greenways. The big question of the day was whether, by advocating for infrastructure beyond neighborhood greenways, we have expanded our mission too far, or if we are simply better reflecting the needs of our communities. Three years ago, six people met in a church basement to strategize …

Vigil Walk for Zeytuna Edo

casaynaya lugaynta ee Zeytuna

Waa maxay cusub oo la Seattle Neighborhood Greenways? Zeytuna was walking with her family at Genesee and MLK when she became the victim of a hit and run car collision, leaving her hospitalized with very serious injuries.  Her family and the community have planned a gathering to bring attention to this incident involving Zeytuna and to talk about making our streets safer for all.


Enjoy A Scoop in the New Molly Moon's Parklet

There's more to celebrate than delicious ice cream when you hang out at Molly Moon's on 45th these days. A newly completed parklet features swings and an artificial lawn. The parklet, built as part of the Seattle Pilot Parklet Project, is one of fourteen completed or in progress throughout the city.

Before                                                                                       After

molly moons beforeScreen Shot 2014-10-22 at 3.07.45 PM Photo Credits: Seattle Department of Transportation and Madi Carlson.

Molly Moons swing

Young Seattleites enjoy some ice cream …

What's the most important acronym on Seattle streets?

click here for ROWIM community comments click here for ROWIM community comments The Seattle ROWIM or Right Of Way Improvement Manual may be the most important acronym guiding the development of Seattle streets today. How wide are sidewalks required to be? Where can driveways go? What sorts of street lighting do developers need to provide around new condo buildings? These questions are always important, but they are of critical importance now. You might be forgiven for …

Should you be lit up like an airport runway to cross the street?

by Glen Buhlman, Kirkland Greenways October 17, 2014 Should you need to be lit up like an airport runway in order to cross a street without getting hit by a car? Be_Safe_Be_Seen_Day_Release_5.jpg.662x0_q100_crop-scalePublic Domain Road Safety Authority Ireland This expectation is becoming common in our region. Rather than focus on the lack of safety on our streets and committing the required funding and staff resources to engineer safer streets, we too …