Seattle Family Biking prepares bikers for any kind of weather while having fun!
When Seattle Neighborhood Greenways (SNG) leaders evaluate the ability of our streets to serve people of all ages and abilities to safely and comfortably walk and bike, they keep in mind the persona, or personification of the interested but concerned person we are advocating for. "Wendy" is the name of our persona and has been written …
Rainier Valley Greenways Wins 2014 Community Builder Award
Rainier Valley leaders Deb Salls (who is also the Executive Director of Bike Works), Devor Barton, Jawara O’Connor, Lauren Squires, Phyllis Porter, and Susan Gleason. Alexandra Stone and Sue Abbott from the National Parks Service Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance and many others also assisted in extensive outreach activities of Rainier Valley Greenways.
Honorable Mentions are also in order forPerson or …
Wirtu Kakshapati speaks about the loss of Sandhya Khadka and #VisionZero at #Party4OurStreets
The most moving moments during #Party4OurStreets came as victims of traffic violence, their families, the community leaders who stepped up to organize Memorials and Solutions Meetings and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) staff who responded with safer streets came to the front of the room to stand together and be acknowledged for their dedication to healthier, …
Ballard Greenways leaders take Councilmember Mike O'Brien on carefully orchestrated policy ride @SNG photo
Every local Seattle Neighborhood Greenway (SNG) group does amazing advocacy. From leading walks and bike rides for policy makers, to showing up for pivotal City Council hearings, SNG volunteers are tireless and creative advocates for healthy, safe streets.
Ballard Greenways leaders produced an event that was amazing. A policy ride with Councilmember Mike O'Brien combined …
Bicycle Master Plan Update meeting at Gould Hall 2014 @SNG photo
What took thousands of hours of volunteer, City, and consultant time? It is difficult to imagine a more dedicated fact-finding effort than the update of the Seattle Bicycle Master Plan in 2014.
Kudos to Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT), Alta Planning & Design, SvR Design, Councilmembers Tom Rasmussen and Sally Bagshaw as well as the rest of City Council …