Act now to pass the nation's best transportation package!
- clara
- July 23, 2019

Get Ready for Action to Move All Seattle Sustainably!
We've been waiting years to pass legislation this exciting. We don't know what the Seattle City Council will look like next year, so we're working with allies to pass the nation's best transportation package now — see below for more details. You can make it happen.Please take a moment to send the Mayor and Seattle City Council an email asking them to support the MASS Transportation package.

- Faster and more reliable buses: How often is your bus stuck in gridlock? This package calls for a robust network of bus priority corridors connecting Seattle’s neighborhoods to make public transit fast, reliable, and efficient.
- Convenient and comfortable bike connections: Seattle doesn't currently have safe, efficient bike routes connecting SE Seattle and SODO to the rest of the city. This package will fund and build these key connections, improve maintenance of existing bike lanes, and make it harder for the city to cancel planned bike lanes.
- Accessible and safe sidewalks and crosswalks: Our sidewalks are crumbling, our signals too often prioritize cars over everyone else, and, at the current funding rate, it will take hundreds of years to build sidewalks where they are missing. This package will enhance the sidewalk repair program, build more sidewalks along dangerous streets, adopt a signals policy that puts people first, keep sidewalks clear of obstructions, and help ensure that our kids have safe routes to school.