New Bike Parking Regs for the Win!
- May 7, 2018

- Increases the amount of required bicycle parking. In comparison to eight peer cities, Seattle now has the highest requirements for long-term parking for 13 "land use categories," and the highest requirements for short-term parking for 8 land use categories.
- Requires office buildings with more than 100,000 square-feet to provide commuter showers for different genders, and exempts the shower facilities from a new building’s size limits.
- Improves the incentive policy for bicycle parking by allowing developers to trade 1 car stall for two bicycle parking spaces, and increased the cap on this provision to now allow up to 20 percent of the required car parking to be removed.
- Requires bike parking to be accessible without the use of stairs.
- Requires bike rooms to accommodate family, cargo, and electric bikes.
- Requires more temporary bike parking, aka "bike valet" parking, for major events such as Sounders games.