Neighbors Celebrate New Safe Routes to 3 Schools
- gordon
- Nov. 27, 2017

- For seven blocks between North 90th Street and North 97th Street there had been no east-west through-route connecting Aurora with Wallingford, College Way, and North Seattle College. A traveler on foot or bike had to wind one’s way on several discontinuous streets.
- In the 30 blocks between North 80th Street and Northgate Way, the only option for crossing I-5 by bike or foot was at the North 92nd Street overpass. And efforts to go west from there had been frustrating -- 92nd Street was discontinuous between Ashworth Ave North and Stone Way North. To continue to the west one had to jog to North 90th Street or North 85th Street. Due to heavy traffic, those east-west streets weren’t conducive to biking or walking and the intersections of those streets at Aurora were two of the most dangerous intersections on the state highway.
- Aurora Avenue (SR 99) is a traffic moat that splits several northern neighborhoods. With few signalized crossings, major traffic activity, and frequent injury collisions -- it’s simply unsafe for biking and walking.

- Make North 92nd Street a safer and continuous east-west link from the Maple Leaf/ Northgate neighborhoods on the east of I-5 through to Greenwood and Crown Hill to the west. Solution: Make 92nd a traffic-calmed greenway where possible; and where it’s a main arterial across I-5, create protected bike lanes.
- 92nd was discontinuous behind the schools; the school site extended across what normally would have been the 92nd Street right-of-way. Solution: Convince the schools, the city’s development permit reviewers, and SDOT to establish a multi-use trail across school property to link both portions of 92nd.
- Create a pedestrian signal at 92nd and Aurora, complete with right-in right-out diverters. Solution: obtain funding and convince WSDOT and SDOT to implement it.
- Improve safety on North 90th Street in front of the schools, including providing new marked crosswalks and RRFB’s (rectangular rapid flashing beacons). Solution: obtain funding and convince SDOT to implement it.
- Create traffic calming on streets surrounding the schools. Solution: obtain funding and convince SDOT to implement it.