Ride Your Bike in a Gold Level Seattle!
- Nov. 18, 2014

- Continue to expand the on and off street bike network, and make intersections safer for cyclists. Focus on network connectivity. On roads with posted speed limits of more than 35 mph, it is recommended to provide protected bicycle infrastructure. Ensure that all Seattle bridges have safe entry and exit points for cyclists, as well as a safe space to cross.
- Provide high quality on-street bike parking throughout the community, especially in the historic and landmark districts. Provide convenient and secure bike parking at event venues and major transit hubs.
- Expand the Safe Routes to School program.
- Dedicate SDOT staff time to encouragement and education efforts and better financially and logistically support bike-related
- encouragement and education efforts by advocates and bike groups. Set encouragement and education goals, metrics, and values.
- Continue to expand your public education campaign promoting the share the road message.
- Host a greater variety of family-oriented, low income and young professional-oriented bike events and rides.
- Step up enforcement of the Vulnerable User ordinance , 20mph speed limits, and the Failure to Yield ordinance.
- Aggressively implement the new bike plan by increasing funding.