WIN: Funding for Stay Healthy Streets and Cafe Streets!

Great news! Seattle City Council just passed $2.5 million to make Stay Healthy Streets permanent, as well as $300,000 to fund Cafe Streets through 2022!

Thanks to your advocacy, the legislation also included a promise to use future federal funds or other resources to launch equitable community outreach and fund potential permanent infrastructure changes for Keep Moving Streets at Alki Point, Green Lake and Lake Washington Boulevard.

See below …

10 Big Ideas for Seattle’s Next Mayor

Running for office in Seattle this year? Looking to be informed during candidate debates? Download our 10 Ideas for Seattle's Next Mayor PDF cheat sheet

Our Streets Shape Our Lives, and Our Mayor Shapes our Streets

The Moment & Opportunity 
The next mayor of Seattle will face overlapping challenges around affordability, climate change, equity, health, safety, and more. How we shape our streets and transportation system can make a …

Funding for Stay Healthy Streets and Cafe Streets!

Great news! Seattle City Council just proposed $2.5 million to make Stay Healthy Streets permanent, as well as $300,000 to fund Cafe Streets through 2022! Act now to:
  • Thank Seattle City Councilmembers for funding Stay Healthy Streets and Cafe Streets to help ensure that the funding isn't removed.
  • Ask them to support Councilmember Herbold's amendment to use future funding to make Keep Moving Streets permanent on Alki Point, Green …

Michael Colmant Memorial Ride & Walk

Michael Colmant was passionate about swimming, running, cycling, and aviation. He was a dedicated colleague at King County International Airport, helping to lift up people of color in his profession. He was a loving father and caring friend.

On April 11, 2021, Michael, 63, was

hit and killed by a driver

while biking. The driver fled the scene and is still at large. They were driving a Silver 2000 Lincoln …

What's Next for Stay Healthy Streets?

In the last year, we’ve seen a huge increase in the number of people outside—walking, skateboarding, biking, and rolling down the streets—and engaging with their neighborhoods in a big way. What’s next for the City’s temporary street programs?

Click to watch this video about the Stay Healthy Streets Program in 2020:


In the spring of 2020, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways pushed the idea of Open Streets as one of our …