Entries for date "November 2018"

Speak up for Sidewalks and Schoolkids!

Friends, Did you see the news this week that nearly $3 million that would have funded sidewalks and crosswalks for schools has been siphoned into the city’s “general fund”? This funding would have helped children at 25 schools across Seattle walk to class safely by investing in projects like enhanced crosswalks, traffic calming, and walkways. Instead these projects will be delayed, adding to the 300-year backlog of sidewalk projects. …

Why SNG is Endorsing 1631 the Clear Air Initiative

As you may have heard, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways has endorsed 1631 the Clean Air, Clean Energy initiativeVolunteer to help pass this exciting measure. 

Transportation by vehicles is the leading source of Seattle’s contribution to climate change, accounting for two-thirds of our greenhouse-gas emissions. The terrible smoke that we all choked on this past summer and the recent International Panel on Climate Change report remind us of the urgent …