Join a Group Ride to Summer Parkways!
- Sept. 9, 2015
- Northwest African-American Museum (2300 S Massachusetts) - 10 a.m. (Leader: Merlin)
- Cal Anderson Park near the tennis courts (E Pine & Nagle Place) - 10 a.m. (Leader: Dharma)
- Julia Lee's Park (E Harrison & Martin Luther King Jr. Way East) - 10 a.m. (Leader: Mike)
- Greenlake Village in the seating area between Menchies and PCC (NE 71st St & 5th Ave NE) - 8:45 a.m. (Leader: Glen)
- NE 77th & 20th Ave - 8:50 a.m. (Leader: Andres)
- NE 65th & 20th Ave (outside Ravenna Third Place Books) - 9:00 a.m. (Leader: Andres)